Monday 3 March 2008


Smoking is a really difficult subject to reach a happy medium. I am an ex-smoker, but possibly only due to the fact I got pregnant and had an incentive! On a personal level I hate the smell of smoke now and can't abide it when people stand right by the doors of buildings so you have a cloud of smoke to walk through.
I have no problems with people smoking if that is what they wish to do, but a little discretion would be nice, especially when small children are about!

The smoke free ban for public places I thought was a really stupid idea, why not just create smoking rooms? Now there is a mass population of smokers wandering around outside, instead of using filter systems to purify the air, the air is becoming polluted anyway!!!

Nisha's blog says something along the same line, it is becoming another one of those subjects, but I feel this has more to do with the health implications to passive smokers, who are supposedly diagnosed with cancer due to second hand smoke. My question is do we really know what causes cancer?

1 comment:

bad behaviour said...

After reading your post on Smoking I totally disagree with the view you have that the smoking ban is a ‘stupid idea’ it is already working in my view in that I have seen regular smokers taking less trips to the designated smoking areas and therefore smoking less, which is what the ban is wanting to achieve so gradually smokers decrease the amount of cigarettes they smoke and in turn will reduce the illness connected with smoking in the long term. Also if ‘smoking rooms’ were set up then that would surely divide smokers and none smokers in a negative way and be unsuccessful in trying to help people give up.