Thursday 17 April 2008


I really enjoyed Gerry's lecture and was amazed to find that is was the Government that introduced LSD into society!
Legalising drugs would be a good thing from my point of view, as it would take away many black market sales, remove the naughtiness, stop drug dealers selling contaminated drugs and overall ensure a better control on the drug trade.
It would reduce the burglaries and attacks for money to buy drugs for addicts, because there will be a new way of helping people i.e like giving up smoking.
To be efficient in changing the way drugs are viewed I think the Government needs to reassess what they hope Britain will become. Alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, washing, cleaning is all addictive and potentially life threatening as people can become addicted to anything. Don't get me wrong I am not condoning drug taking, but if that is what many of the population want to do, then we need to make it a safer activity to partake in and it seems the only way to do this is to legalise it in some way.
Cannabis has properties in it that assists arthritis suffers, I am a sufferer myself but would not use cannabis as I don't want to get arrested, so I continue to suffer until I can pluck up the courage to go and have artificial fluids injected in my joints, sounds nice!!

When I was younger I remember someone telling me that a friend of theirs had taken an 'E', only to be told later the dealer had been selling dog worming tablets! Another friend of mine actually took an 'E' whilst we were out and he spent the night sweating, rocking back and forth and acting paranoid, not exactly the 'love' drug he was offered!

I have found a few websites that made good reading:

Looking on you tube there were clips of kids on LSD and animals which were not up my street though.

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