Tuesday 15 April 2008

Nice picture?!

Personally I do not like tattoos s 1) They cannot be removed completely 2) They will be wrinkly when your old 3) To me the majority of tattoos I have seen have been pretty tacky!Each to their own, my ex and his son both have one (my ex actually got his done to annoy me, probably would have done if we had stayed together, but now I do not see it!!)

There is a rep that I know and he has tattoos on his arms and he has to cover them because he said he gets a bad reception from people when he goes into companies. Stereotyping seems to be common as tattoos were for jail birds!

Piercing I have my ears and my belly button done (though this was removed because I got pregnant and never put it back in!) I do cringe when I think of some of the areas that people have pierced, my mate had her tongue done and had to live on soup for three days.

Body modification, at the end of the day it is your body and therefore only you can choose what you want to do with it. I am glad that stricter rules have been brought in to prevent cross contamination etc, a few of my friends have had piercing go horrible and one girl had her belly button done and they had pierced it in the wrong place!!

I have found a website for up and coming tattoo wanters http://www.tattoo.co.uk this site pre-warns you, helps you with after care, choosing the right tattoo etc.

To see some strange piercings (not as bad as we saw in lecture), like under the skin you can go to http://www.body-piercing.co.uk To be honest I was not brave enough to go looking for really gruesome ones, not after what we were shown!

Weight lifters and all that muscle? Body modification that I am not into I think those muscley people can't be nice to hug?! Especially the woman when you can't tell if their men or women anymore, to me that's horrible. Can this be classed as addiction, if you take it that far? I suppose the people who cover their bodies with tattoos and piercings may also be addicted.

Personally I will stick to my ears pierced, that's enough for me!

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