Monday 28 April 2008

Pheasant Shooting

I am pro pheasant shooting when it is done in the correct way and the birds are treated right, for want of a better expression. The above link is only showing one side of pheasant shooting and that is the big wig side. These shoots are all about the big bag, shooting as many pheasants as they can in one day/weekend.
Not all pheasant shooting is about how many birds you can shoot. I am part of a shoot that enjoy a day out in the countryside and if you get a good shot then so be it. Birds who are young, flying low are never shot. The birds used on the shoot are bred outside until a few months old, they are then brought onto the shoot and reared outdoors. They are free to fly from their pens, as the basis of the pens is somewhere safe for them to stay at night. (The pens stop foxes etc getting to them).
Any bird that gets by the gun is wished farewell and safe flight for another day. All the birds that are shot are eaten by the syndicate and land owners so no bird has been shot for the sake of it. I have pheasant in my freezer from our shoot waiting to be eaten.
You may think that these shoots are bad, but when co-ordinated correctly what's the difference between you eating a cow or pig that has had an electric shock and then had it's throat slit to a bird shot humanely and then eaten?! A link to someone who organises different sorts of shoots

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