Wednesday 23 April 2008


Murder, Manslaughter it all boils down to the same thing, killing someone whether it is premeditated or in self defence. But what about the people who murder others for the sake of their religion, cult, fear, to become a hero.
When did it become a good thing to kill yourself along with hundreds of others for the sake of your country and leaders!
I know this is a topic that is a different type of being bad, but in some people's minds they believe they are doing a 'good' thing by being a suicide bomb.
Are these people brainwashed or hypnotised into thinking its okay to murder innocent people to become the ruling power in the world. Do they seriously believe that being a suicide bomber will raise their status in life and they will die a hero. Do we even know the identities of half the suicide bombers, its not as if there is much of them left to get an id!
I found a good uk website covering all different types of murders:
This is a good site to find out some facts about suicide bombing, as it details how it is not a new thing, suicide bombings have been occurring since the 11th Century!
Not only the above but there are people that assassinate people for a living! Is that bad? I mean to me it is, but do they regard it as just a job, are they mentally affected by what they do, or are they just that way geared up? Suprisingly I could not find a good website, except if you wanted to watch the film or play the game!
Another point is when the police shoot someone, does it make it right because they are police and they did it in the line of duty? Look at the innocent man they shot and killed on the underground during the terrorist scare. I believe the police do their best and agree that if peoples lives are in danger then they need to act. But is it always the best call to shoot and kill?

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