Friday 25 April 2008


A Religion is a belief system that helps people live their daily lives and gives them sonething to hold onto in times of need.
Whether you believe in a God or not, I still thing that there is something more tho this world than just us.
I do not have a faith as I think that if there was a God then all the children who are suffering would be cured. The wars have to happen because we make them happen, no eternal powerful being would be able to stop war. We are in effect greedy, which has made us war mongerers.
When people with faith carry on their lives without pushing their faith onto others then I do not have a problem, but when people stand in the middle of town and blast you to hell for having no faith or when Jehovah Witness come knocking on your door, that to me is wrong. It should be upto the individual whether they follow a faith.
As a country I believe that Britain is the most multi-cultural place with the most religions, day to day I think those religions co-exist well. It is only when there are problems like the terrorist attacks, that religions start being questioned and attacks on religious buildings take place.
Everyone has a right to believe and worship whichever God they want and they should be allowed to do so in their own way, not have someone else telling them what to believe.
A link that informs us of the main religions is at
This link gives some info on couple who struggle religiously together

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