Monday 5 May 2008


As a country there has to be certain boundaries for everyone to follow. (Theoretically) Having bans such as litter dropping is a good thing as it should keep th ecountry tidy.

When the Government start banning things like eating meat on the bone and smoking, then I feel that they are infringing on peoples freedom to choose.

They said that eating meat on the bone could cause mad cows disease, but I have been eating it since I could eat and I'm fine. (Though I am sure people will disagree!)

Okay they banned smoking to benefit non smokers and in the hope that smokers would give up, but as a whole the government helped endorse smoking in the first place by allowing advertising of tobacco, now because it will make them look good they want it banned.

As a country that should enable us freedom to express ourselves we are limited to what we can and cannot choose to do. We are not allowed to say black board for fear of being classed a racist, but the board is the colour black and we call a white board a white board so what's the difference?

Some sites relating to some bans are:

Using mobile whilst driving:

Moscow ban Gay parade:

Plastic Bag Ban: (good for the environment)

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