Tuesday 6 May 2008


We all know basically where we can and cannot park, but is it fair to charge £60 for parking on double yellow lines?
Also is is right that we should be chardged for parking on hospitals, especially if it is an emergency. When I had my son, I stayed in for 5 dys and it wasn't until the 4th day that we were told you could get a week pass for £5, it had been costing £2 a session!!
Speeding fines and other traffic offences is it not enough that we have to have points which affect our insurance premiums, but we have to pay money too.
Speed cameras and parking cctv cameras, which a programme recently showed that they were making errors, are these acceptable, or does the Government want to become 'big brother'?
It seems that there are fines from dropping litter to traffic offences, but for the most part the councils are relying heavily on cctv to do the catching for them. Is this the most reliable way, it seems not as people are being fined incorrectly.
Red routes on roads are also causing problems as you can park between 10-4, but the signs say no stopping at any time??
Life is supposed to be for living and I appreciate that we have to lie by boundaries, but I think that the fine issue needs to be updated and maybe bring in some sort of community help scheme, so that when you are supposed to be fined, you spend a few hours helping the community?!
A website regarding parking fines: http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/t_parking_fines.pdf
Advice on not getting into debt over court fines: http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/d_court_fines.pdf
Local Council fines for litterbugs caught on cctv: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article3732229.ece

1 comment:

Paul said...

Even if I don't completely agree with everything said in this post, I really enjoyed the fact that a lot of thought has gone into other areas of 'being bad' than the basic or obvious - one of the few blogs I’ve read that has (including my own).

On the subject though, there are a few things I’m not so sure about.

CCTV, if I’m honest, I find repellent and intrusive, and although there is evidence to support their effectiveness (like shoplifting, and the example you gave - littering), I think I’d be quite happy without. But I can understand the reluctance of authorities to limit their use if they find them to increase effectiveness. While not agreeing, it's difficult to argue against - civil liberties are subjective opinion, not fact, and if someone doesn’t share the same view on them as you it's really hard to change.

I also, and as a car driver I do hate them (not always driving to the speed limits either... and by not always I probably mean not ever), understand why speed cameras (and other 'money making' schemes) are around. Ignoring the making safe part (I understand them more in villages than I do on the M5), they are there to make money. And yeah, we pay out in so many ways to these people, and still they want more. Is it possible they need more? I'm not sure, but even with all the measures suggested at every election by opposition parties (saving money by cutting red tape etc), everywhere seems to need more money. Stealth tax? maybe. Necessary? quite possibly, and if this is a better way for the government to raise income without direct taxation (which no one likes), then I’m prepared to have an open mind.

That was a bit off topic wasn't it?

Anyway - nice post.